<< مقالات لاتين >>
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hierachical clustering ► K-mean clustering ► R, SAS and MATLAB software
history in the undergraduate mathematics curriculum: why and how? 15 November 2003 ► John von Neumann centenary meeting 29 November 2003 ► American mathematical society December 2003 ► christmas meeting and AGM 13 December 2003 ► mathematics in the metropolis: a survey of victorian London 19 January 2004 ► 400 years of British mathematics: a one day conference to celebrate the 60th birthday of Robin Wilson ► research in progress 28 February 2004 ► HPM 2004 satellite conference of ICMI 10, 12- 17 July 2004 ► first Brazilian colloquium on the history of mathematics and the fourth luso- Brasilian meeting on the history of mathematics 24- 27 October 2004
HPM Americas section meeting San Antonio, USA, April 2003