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from : V Brazilian national meeting on history of mathematics- V S.... until : V Brazilian national meeting on history of mathematics- V SNHM 13-16 April 2003 ► eighth meeting of the history of mathematics section in the deutsche mathematiker vereinigung 28 May to 1 June 2003 ► HPM satellite of the XL- American conference on mathematics education, 10- 12 July 2003 ► colloque francois viete, un mathematicien en son temps (fontenay- le- comte 1540- Paris 1603) 19- 20 September 2003 ► the history and use of proof in mathematics, 20-21 September 2003 ► American mathematical society December 2003 ► HPM 2004 satellite conference of ICMI 10, 12- 17 July 2004