Optimal trade intervention in the presence of domestic distortions, by H. G. Johnson.--Equalization by trade of the interest rate along with the real wage, by P. A. Samuelson.--On the equivalence of tariffs and quotas, by J. Bhagwati.--Tariff-cutting techniques in the Kennedy round, by R. E. Baldwin.--Some aspects of policies for freer trade, by B. Ohlin.--"Vent for surplus" models of trade and growth, by R. E. Caves.--International, National, regional, and local industries, by J. Tinbergen.--The multiplier if imports are for investments, by W. F. Stolper.--Trade, speculation, and the forward exchange rate, by P. B. Kenen.--Monetary stability as a precondition for economic integration, by R. Kamitz.--Adjustment, compensatory correction, and financing of imbalances in international payments, by F. Machlup.--Interest rates and the balance of payments: an analysis of the Swiss experience, by J. Niehans. Germany's persistent balance-of-payments disequilibrium, by C. P. Kindleberger.--Competition and growth: the lesson of the United States balance of payments, by E. Sohmen