شماره رکورد
آقاي شنتيا ياراحمديان: Mathematical modelling of formation of microtubule
نام نرم افزارها
سمينارهاي هفتگي خانه رياضيات اصفهان:آقاي شنتيا ياراحمديان: Mathematical modelling of formation of microtubule
نام سازمان
خانه رياضيات اصفهان
وضعيت نشر
خانه رياضيات اصفهان
آدرس وب سايت
mathematical modelling , مدل سازي رياضي
We generalize the dogterom-leibler model for microtubule dynamics [DK] to the case where the rates of elongation as well as the lifetimes of the elongating and shortening phases are a function of >TU-tubulin consentration . we study also the effect of nucleation rate in the form of a damping term which leads to new steady-states. for this model, we study existence and stability of steady states satisfying the boundary conditions at x=0. our stability analysis introduces numerical and analytical evans function computations as a new mathematical tool in the study of microtubule dynamics.
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